Displaying 21 to 30 of 406

  • Dr. Charles Nenner - The West May Not Survive

    Patrick Vierra from SBTV spoke with Dr, Charles Nenner from the Charles Nenner Research Center. Dr. Nenner spoke on inflation and war cycles among other things and both of these cycles look to be getting worse. Dr. Charles Nenner is going to give you the information you'll need to know here, please do give this interview a look.

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  • Lynette Zang - A Full Surveillance Controlled System

    Patrick Vierra from SBTV spoke with Lynette Zang about our dying fiat debt based system and the controlled system being rolled out. What was once speculation is speculation no more and she's going to lay out for us what we all need to know.

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  • Dr. Marc Faber - Debt Is The Money of Slaves

    Patrick Vierra from SBTV spoke with Dr. Doom Marc Faber. As always Dr. Faber offers his no holds barred points of view and it is eye-opening for sure. A half hour of knowledge and power from Dr. Doom is here ready for you. See it now!

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  • Patrick Yip - Buy These Kinds of Precious Metals

    Patrick Vierra from SBTV spoke with Patrick Yip, Director of Business Development for APMEX about the types of precious metals he sees people buying and why.

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  • Gerald Celente - Misinformation Is Our Number One Threat

    Patrick Vierra from SBTV spoke with the trends forecaster Gerald Celente. Gerald gives us the hard truth on what we need to know about the world and the economy, and also reminds us no matter the times, in the beginning and in the end it's always about family.

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  • Jp Cortez - We Must Fight for Sound Money

    SBTV spoke with Jp Cortez from the Sound Money Defense League about how we are getting close to all 50 states in the U.S. recognizing precious metals (gold and silver) as money - a big step in restoring sound money. Jp Cortez tells us here why sound money is a cause we need to take up.

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  • We Are Gonna Need Oil?

    SBTV spoke with Steve St. Angelo from the SRSrocco Report about the "peak oil myth" topic that's making the rounds. Steve is an expert in energy and the precious metals space and ties together how oil, energy, the economy, and precious metals meet.

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  • Where the Rubber Meets the Road

    SBTV spoke with The Market Sniper Francis Hunt about where the rubber meets the road. These are the things you want to know and what affects you the most spilling over from 2023 to 2024.

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  • What's Going On With Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium, and Rhodium? Part 1

    SBTV spoke with The Market Sniper Francis Hunt about what's going on with gold, silver, platinum, palladium, & rhodium & the price volatility we're seeing.

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  • Michael Pento - Bonds are Signalling Economic Breakdown

    SBTV spoke with Michael Pento from Pento Port dot com about the bond market and the volatility of yields. What does it mean, what is it signalling? Michael Pento spells it out for us. You won't want to miss this.

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