Vincent Tie

Posted by Vincent Tie on 05 Jan 2023

Ep 1: Building the World's Highest Capacity Precious Metals Vault

Building the World's Highest Capacity Vault is a video series chronicling the journeys of the people behind the construction of The Reserve. As gold and silver prices rally at the height of the Covid pandemic in 2020, the demand for precious metals storage soared in tandem. Anticipating a space shortage at The Safe House vault, Gregor and his team ventured to purchase a building of their own and found an ideal location that could become the highest-capacity gold and silver vault in the world.

Slated for completion in 2023, The Reserve is a state-of-art mega vault to be built by Silver Bullion in Singapore. While most vaults are built to store gold, the bulk of The Reserve’s 15,000 metric ton capacity is designed for silver and similarly priced rare industrial metals. This incredible facility will also have 15 UL-class 2 vaults to store up to 500 tons of gold.

Episodes in this series:



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