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Displaying 41 to 50 of 233

  • How China's gold buying spree affects us all

    China has been in the news recently, as the country fights to bolster a lacklustre economy. Policymakers have taken to buying gold, and it appears many of their citizens are doing the same. Read on to see how record demand in China is affecting the global gold market.

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  • The Declining Phase of Empires According to Ray Dalio’s Changing World Order

    Ray Dalio, the founder of the world’s largest hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates, and author of the book ‘Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order’, meticulously studied the cyclical patterns of changing world orders. This article examines the empire’s declining phase using common signs as observed in the Dutch, English, and U.S. empires.

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  • 10 interesting facts about Silver

    Like gold, silver has been prized by civilization for centuries, being one of two precious metals that are as versatile as they are valuable. But how much do you really know about it? Here are 10 interesting facts about silver that unveil more about this valuable precious metal, and why it is valued over other metals.

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  • How much one kilo of gold is worth

    Shining, precious and highly valuable. We know that gold is valuable, but do you know what really contributes to the gold price? In this article, we examine the various factors that go into the pricing of gold.

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  • The Topping Phase of Empires According to Ray Dalio’s Changing World Order

    In his book 'Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order,' Ray Dalio, founder of the world’s largest hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates, extensively studied the cyclical nature of world orders, dividing them into three distinct phases: the rise, the top, and the decline.

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  • Gold Testing with X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF)

    Gold's status as a wealth symbol and an asset trusted throughout the ages has also motivated counterfeiters to produce fake gold. With the advent of testing technologies like X-ray fluorescence (XRF), testing for real gold has become expedient and easy.

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  • While fiat fluctuates; gold remains a strong constant

    Investor and entrepreneur Ray Dalio has been quoted as saying he prefers gold over fiat currencies, because gold is timeless and universal. Find out why gold is so precious in this article, as we explore the properties that account for its intrinsic, timeless value.

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  • A Comparative Analysis of the Rise of the Dutch, English, US, and Chinese Empires According to Ray Dalio

    Ray Dalio, a renowned hedge fund manager, has written extensively about the "Big Cycle" in his book 'Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order'. Dalio posits that these cycles have an average duration of roughly 250 years, divided into three main phases: the rise, the top, and the decline. Additionally, the transition periods between these cycles can span 10 to 20 years, during which the old world order gives way to the new. 

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  • How Ultrasound Testing is Used to Authenticate Precious Metals

    Gold and silver have been cherished for centuries, captivating humankind with their allure and enduring value. As these precious metals continue to hold a significant place in the global economy, the need for accurate and non-destructive testing methods has become paramount.

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  • Today’s economic boom; tomorrow’s bubble?

    In this article, we take a look at the larger cycle of the world economy, taking reference from investor and entrepreneur Ray Dalio's latest book, Principles for dealing with the Changing World Order. Find out why credit is such a double-edged sword for economic growth, and why gold is considered to be a true store of wealth compared to fiat currencies, whose value can fluctuate greatly.


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